Testing Policy

Revised: August 11, 2015

In general, figure skating progress is measured by a series of tests, which are governed by the United States Figure Skating (USFS) Association. Skaters can be tested in Skating Skills, Singles, solo or partner pattern dance, and pairs skating, etc. At this time, EPFSC sponsors periodic testing sessions for skaters for Skating Skills, Singles and Dance tests. Particular information about certain test requirements can be found in the United States Figure Skating Association Rulebook and through your skater’s coaching professional. Information is also available through the USFS website at: http://www.usfigureskating.org. Click here for all USFS rules: Rules | U.S. Figure Skating (usfigureskating.org)

When to Test

There are a number of factors that determine when a skater should take a particular test; these include, but are not limited to:

  1. The skater’s skills should be developed to the level needed to pass the test. Your coach will let you know when the skater is developmentally ready.
  2. Skating seen at competitions at any given level is much more advanced than the requirements to pass the test at that same level. For example, an axel jump is not required in the Singles portion of the Preliminary Singles Test. However, most skaters who are competing at the preliminary level regularly include axels in their programs and sometimes double jumps as well. A skater’s goals for placement at competitions should therefore be taken into account when deciding to test.

You should sit down with your coach and talk about all of these and other factors when the time comes to decide about taking a test.

Qualifications to Test

  1. A skater must be a USFS member in order to test.
  2. A skater must be in good standing with their home club and any other club (all expenses paid currently and no suspensions). The Test Chair is notified by the Treasurer and/or Skater Billing Coordinator of any delinquent accounts.
  3. USFS rules state that any skater wishing to retry a failed test must wait at least 27 days between test dates.
  4. A skater must submit test application and fee to the Test Chair by deadline as outlined below.

When are Test Sessions?

The EPFSC conducts test sessions throughout the year, based upon need and ice availability. EPFSC test sessions are set several months in advance and, once scheduled, are posted on the EPFSC website. Skaters may also test at other club test sessions. Metro area test dates are posted on the TCFSA website at www.TCFSA.org.

Because ice availability is limited in the evenings during the school year, test sessions are generally setup during the day; therefore the skater will likely miss part of the school day. Test sessions are typically approximately three hours long, and the chair will accommodate as many skaters possible in that time frame.

The EPFSC Test Chair and assistant test chair make all the arrangements for the test sessions. This includes setting the dates and times, arranging for the ice, calling and scheduling volunteer judges, setting the testing schedules, taking care of the judges hospitality room and reporting all test results to USFS & TCFSA.

Members of other clubs may be included in EPFSC test sessions, but priority is given to EPFSC members who submit their application and fee by the required deadline. Skaters from other clubs who have applied for testing by the deadline will be given priority over home club skaters with late application submissions.

Test Registration Procedures

  1. After determining the appropriate test with their coaches, skaters may register for their test(s) using EPFSC’s EntryEeze website. EPFSC skaters who have not yet tested or who are new to the club should contact the Test Chair to obtain a log in and password. Non-members can log into the EntryEeze site directly and register for the test without contacting the Test Chair.
  2. The EntryEeze site will list the registration deadline and test fees.
  3. If a test session is full, priority will be given to skaters based on EPFSC membership seniority.
  4. The schedule for test day will be emailed to skaters and coaches prior to the test and will be available on the EntryEeze site. Skaters should arrive at the rink at least 45 minutes ahead of their scheduled test time. The test session will run according to the schedule; however, skaters should be prepared for the possibility that the session could potentially run ahead or behind schedule.
  5. Test fees are NOT refundable.
  6. Any skater from another home club testing at Eden Prairie should follow the application to test procedures outlined above and arrange for a “permission to test” form or email to be sent from the Test Chair at their home club to the EPFSC Test Chair.

Skater and Spectator Guidelines for Test Day

  • In order to provide the best atmosphere for a test, there should be a minimum of observers. The testing area must be kept quiet to avoid distracting skaters or judges. There should be no cheering, clapping or shouting. This is not a competition.
  • The skater will be advised when and where to begin your warm-up. Generally, you will be allowed a 5-minute warm-up. You may receive coaching during the warm-up, but not during the test.
  • On all tests there is one judge acting as the “judge-in-charge.”
  • Respond as quickly as possible when the judge calls you to the ice.
  • On occasion, the judges may ask you to re-skate a jump, or other skating move. Do not leave the area until the judge-in-charge dismisses you.
  • When your test is finished, the Test Chair will collect your test sheets from the judges and quickly review them. The sheets are then given to you, your coach and your parents. No one else is allowed to see your test papers without your permission. You may spend as much time as you like reading them and studying the judges’ comments. The papers must be turned back in to the Test Chair before you leave the arena. Test results, whether you pass or not, must be submitted to USFS. The Test Chair will make copies of your test sheets for you and place them in your file within a few days of the test.
  • In order to pass a test, you must receive passing scores from a majority of the judges (there are three judges for USFS tests). Note, however, that there is only one judge for pre-preliminary and preliminary tests.
  • A room in the rink is designated as the judges’ room. This is for the judges and Test Chair only. All others should remain out unless invited in by the judges or Test Chair.
  • Remember that the judges are all volunteers who willingly donate their time to judge tests and competitions. They have spent a long time in training to become judges and they care a great deal about the sport of figure skating. Many of them were skaters themselves before qualifying to be judges. Trial judges are invited to participate in some test sessions. This is part of their training to receive their appointments as official judges. If time permits, the judges are generally happy to discuss a test and the results with the skater. Please be respectful of their time.
  • It is important for all skaters to remember to thank the judges at the end of their test, if the opportunity presents itself.

Testing Fees & Rules

  • EPFSC Associate/Adult/Collegiate Members will pay non-member rates for testing, but they have priority over non-EPFSC members for space on the test ice, provided their application is in by the deadline.
  • If a skater submits application for two tests, where taking one is dependent upon passing the other, HALF the fee for the contingent test will be refunded if the first test is not passed.
  • Testing fees cover the Club’s costs for ice, USFS fees, TCFSA fees, judge’s hospitality and gifts. In addition, EPFSC purchases pins and patches for skaters in recognition of tests passed during test sessions hosted by EPFSC. Pins are awarded annually at the Spring Banquet.
  • Please reference EPFSC current fees and rules here.

Recognition for Senior Test Completion

EPFSC skaters passing their Gold Skating Skills & Singles tests will be presented by EPFSC with USFS gold figure skating pins, to recognize their dedication to and accomplishments in the sport of figure skating. In addition, skaters passing their Gold Singles test will have their photo and name displayed in our EPFSC trophy case at the EPCC.

Testing at Another Club

The EPFSC Test Chair does not register EPFSC skaters for other club’s test sessions. It is the skater’s responsibility to:

  1. Check TCFSA website or EntryEeze for dates and verify your coach is able to attend the test session with you.
  2. Check the club’s website and review their testing procedures an/or online registration process. You may need to contact the Test Chairperson of the hosting club to request a test application if there is not an online registration system in place. Testing fees charged at other club’s may be different than fees charged at EPFSC test sessions.

**You will also need to obtain a permission form to test from the EPFSC Test Chair and submit this WITH your application to test. This is required and verifies to the host club that you are a skater in good standing with EPFSC. The host club will not process your test application without this additional from the EPFSC Test Chair.