We offer several packages for advertising on the website and/or in combination with our newsletters.
The home page ads are 125 pixels x 125 pixels and cost $20/month with a 3 month minimum.
The Blog banner ad is 728 pixels x 90 pixels and costs $40/month with a 3 month minimum.
Our team can assist you with creating an ad that generates traffic for your site or service and provide you with impressions and click rates for any ad on our site. Our team will review your ad and contact you with any questions.
We can also create custom advertising solutions to meet your specific needs, just contact us to discuss your ideas.
Click below for past Ice Show programs with examples of sponsor advertisements.
Newsletter Sponsorship
We also send out weekly newsletters to our membership. These weekly newsletters are sent out to over one hundred users each week in the Southwest Metro area.
We offer sponsorships for these newsletters for $10/newsletter.
Site Traffic and Statistics
Our members are figure skaters and their families primarily from Eden Prairie, MN and the Southwest suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. If your target audience is affluent families with children in K-12 and other young adults we can offer a cost effective way to reach our members. See the right hand side of this page for our most recent site statistics.