Collection Issues

Many of EPFSC’s policies and procedures as they relate to contracts, billing statements, collections and penalties is included in Policy A – Ice Contracts. Refer to this information in addition to the information below. Following are EPFSC Board recommended procedures for collection issues.

Insufficient Funds Checks / “Stop Payment Checks:

When a check for payment on account is returned for insufficient funds or has a “stop payment” on the check, the following procedures will be followed for collections notification:

  1. A letter will be sent via mail by the Treasurer to the address EPFSC has on file for the skater, stating that an “NSF”/”STOP PAYMENT” check was received and the amount of the check. In addition, the skater will be assessed a $15 handling fee. The letter will clearly communicate the following additional information:The outstanding balance must be paid in full within two weeks.
    • Until the balance is paid in full, the skater may NOT buy-in on club ice.
    • No ice contracts will be processed until the balance is paid in full
    • If the balance is not paid, the following penalties will also occur:
      1. Skater will lose his/her club seniority, which effects their locker assignment, ice show points, and ice contracting and testing priorities.
      2. Skater will not be in “good standing” with EPFSC, which will preclude the skater from testing or competing.
    • If the skater has changed to another club, that club will be notified of the skater’s past-due status.
  2. Treasurer will notify Billing Coordinator to delete the amount of the original payment from the skater’s billing information and the past due balance will be reinstated.
  3. If there is no response or payment in the two week period:
    • a second letter will be sent, similar to the first, indicating that all penalties as listed in (1) above will go into effect if payment is not received in the next two weeks (4 weeks total to come to compliance).
    • Club testing and competition form signers (president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary) will be notified of skater’s status
    • Billing Coordinator will be notified to not process future contracts
    • A notation will be made in the Rink Monitor handbook, indicating the skater is not allowed to buy in on sessions.
  4. If still no response (after 4 weeks), all other conditions listed above will go into effect. At the discretion of the Treasurer, formal Collections Agencies and/or court proceedings may get involved with the collection process.

Past Due Accounts:

All skater account balances billed relating to a contract period (buy-in fees, monitor buy-out fees, fundraising fees, exhibition fees, ice costs, etc) must be paid in full at the end of that contract period. All ice must be paid in full by mid-contract for Winter, Spring and Summer and by the end of contract for Fall. The following process will be followed regarding delinquent payment notification and penalties:

  1. A letter will be sent via mail by the Billing Coordinator to the address EPFSC has on file for the skater, stating that account balances are now past due. The letter will clearly communicate the following additional information:
    • The outstanding balance must be paid in full within two weeks.
    • Until the balance is paid in full, the skater may NOT buy-in on club ice.
    • No ice contracts will be processed until the balance is paid in full.
    • If the balance is not paid, the following penalties will also occur:
      1. Skater will lose his/her club seniority, which effects their locker assignment, ice show points and ice contracting and testing priorities.
      2. Skater will not be in “good standing” with EPFSC, which will preclude the skater from testing or competing.
    • If the skater has changed to another club, that club will be notified of the skater’s past-due status. All factors in step (c) above will apply.
  2. Billing Coordinator is in communication with Treasurer regarding past due accounts and letters sent.
  3. If there is no response or payment in the two week period:
    • A second letter will be sent, similar to the first, indicating that all penalties as listed in (1) above will go into effect if payment is not received in the next two weeks (4 weeks total to come to compliance).
    • Club testing and competition form signers (president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary) will be notified of skater’s status;
    • Billing Coordinator will not process future contracts;
    • A notation will be made in the Rink Monitor handbook, indicating the skater is not allowed to buy in on sessions.
  4. If still no response (after 4 weeks), all other conditions listed above will go into effect. At the discretion of the Treasurer, formal Collections Agencies and/or court proceedings may get involved with the collection process.