The board put together the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) based on the questions that new members often have when they join the club. If you have additional questions please Contact Us using the button on the left side of every page.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Individuals wishing to join the EPFSC can download a membership form from the new member page and send the completed form and payment to the current Membership Chair.

    Our club year runs from July 1 through June 30. When you renew your membership each year you will receive a membership card in the mail. The USFS membership number is unique to the skater and it will be used for all competitions and testing. In addition, you will also receive an annual subscription to Skating magazine.

    The EPFSC offers three membership options for skaters: Home Club membership, Associate membership and Junior Club membership.

    Home Club Membership

    A skater can list only one club as their “home club.” This is the club that will be announced at competitions or other events. A skater will spend the majority of their ice time at the home club facility. The majority of EPFSC members (97 percent) are home club members.

    Associate Membership

    Associate members also can contract for club ice at Eden Prairie while retaining their home club status at another club.

    Junior Club Membership

    EPFSC also provides Junior Club opportunities for developing skaters, Otter level through Freestyle 4, to participate in a small-group lesson environment. The Junior Club’s small-group lessons are an enhancement of the Eden Prairie Skate School program. The small-group atmosphere eases the transition into regular open freestyle sessions and private instruction. We strive for a 6:1 student-teacher ratio at these sessions to ensure individualized attention for each skater. Junior Club sessions are offered once a week for 30 minutes.

  • A file folder will be set up with your skater’s name on it in the black file cabinet in the Figure Skating Club room. Folders are arranged alphabetically by last name. This room is located in Rink 2, halfway down the inside wall. Please use this room since it is a good way to meet other skaters and parents. While there, be sure to check the bulletin board as there’s a wealth of information on it. You will find the Rink Monitor sign-up sheets here just before the start of a new contract – be sure to sign up for your required number of sessions. It is a good idea to check your file every time you skate for any newsletters, billing, or other communications. This is our “inner office” mail system and saves the club postage fees. Most of the club communications and information is delivered via the website and by email newsletters. If your email address should change, please let the Membership Chair know immediately.

    Please note that quarterly contracts and membership renewal information is available on this website. Billing will be placed in your folder to save on postage fees. Please make sure that you MAIL your contract to Renee Rahimi. Placing your contract in the file, may delay processing and result in a late fee.

    Click here for more information and communication options via Social Media and RSS Feeds: Communication Options

  • All home club skaters must have a private coach to skate on club ice. Junior Club skaters receive small group instruction from a private coach. Professional coaches are self-employed, are available for private lessons and are paid directly by the skater’s family. You will hire the coach on your own, and determine the lesson schedule and length with your coach. Not all coaches may have student openings at a given time. Coaches may offer lessons various time limits. Consult with the professional coaches for more information. You will receive a separate bill for coaching fees. Before hiring a coach, discuss goals and expectations, as well as special interests of your skater with the prospective coach.

    Click here for a listing of active coaches authorized by the club: COACHES

    Selecting a coach is one of the most important decisions that you will make as this is a relationship that, hopefully, will last for many years. Therefore, it is important to take your time in selecting a coach for your child or yourself if you are an adult skater. Coaches vary in cost, style, teaching techniques, personality, and interests. All of these factors should be analyzed before making a final selection. The following are some tips, which can help your decision process in selecting a coach.

    • Compatibility of professional with student skater and their parents
    • Professional’s actual skating ability (tested USFSA and/or ISIA skating level and prior competition experience)
    • Professional’s proven coaching ability, especially as it relates to the test achievement level of current and former students
    • Professional’s ability to promote the student skater at competitions
    • Availability of professional to instruct at all hours offered by the EPFSC, and substantiation of such commitment
    • Professional’s knowledge of proper warm-up and stretching techniques
    • Professional’s knowledge of ballet or modern dance an/or ability to get the skater enrolled in a class providing skills necessary to improve figure skating performances
    • Professional’s knowledge of choreography and/or willingness to solicit help in choreographing an excellent program for the skater
    • Professional’s ability to inspire the skater to a commitment of excellence
    • Professional’s willingness to set goals with the skater and time frames for achieving them
    • Professional’s ability to communicate knowledge to skaters
    • Willingness of professional to enthusiastically recommend skater to train with another professional when original professional’s expertise is exhausted
    • Professional’s willingness to keep current by taking continuing education classes
    • Membership in a professional organization, such as PSA (Professionals Skaters Association)

    It is important to take the time to check resumes of a potential coach for your child. Resumes of club coaches are available on the club website. There is a variation of cost for lessons by the various coaches. Available time for teaching your child should also be asked of the coach. The parents and skater may wish to observe a club session and talk to several coaches. Junior Club is an excellent opportunity for club members to get exposure to many different coaches. A meeting to get acquainted and discuss goals, costs, lesson tie and frequency, skating equipment and general information will be the next step. Although ice time payment is made to the EPFSC, lesson costs are directly paid to the coach.

  • When it is time to contract ice for a contract period (summer, fall, winter, and spring), you must talk with your coach first before selecting your ice time(s). The coach will establish their weekly schedule for all of their students and then notify you on which freestyle session(s) they plan to give your child a lesson. Those are the sessions for which you will contact ice. All Home club members must contract for two sessions during each contract period. In other words, a skater MUST contract for a minimum of two sessions during each of the Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions. If they do not contract, sessions will be assigned and you will be billed for the sessions. If a skater is skating in Junior Club they are only required to contract for one session (Junior Club) during each contract period, but they may contract for additional sessions if desired.

  • Yes. All EPFSC members, including Junior Club members, are required to contract for ice and take lessons during their membership. Skaters are not allowed to pay as they go on a weekly basis.

    For more information and the complete policy: Ice Contracts Policy

  • Many of the skating freestyle sessions are leveled for safety reasons. Sessions marked “Prepre +” or “PreJuv +” refer to the USFSA freestyle test level that must be passed before a skater may skate on this session. New skaters will use the “Open Free” sessions at first. These sessions are open and available to any level skater. Your coach is aware of these requirements and will place you on the appropriate freestyle when arranging their schedule.

    For more information and the complete policy: Ice Contracts Policy

  • If your skater is skating an extra session in a week – a session they are not contracted to skate – this is referred to as a “buy-in”. You must list your skater’s name at the bottom of the sign in sheet and check the columned “Bill”. Buy-in sessions are summarized and billed to you with your next contract. The cost for a buy-in session is $3 more than a contracted ice session. For cost savings and ice planning, the Club encourages skaters to contract their ice as much as possible.

    For more information and the complete policy: Ice Contracts Policy

  • EFPSC offers its members the option to switch or “exchange” sessions should a conflict in your schedule arise. If you have missed a session for whatever reason, you may “exchange” it for another freestyle session. The only stipulation is that the exchange must occur during the same week, the week previous to or immediately following the missed session. In other words, there is a three-week window to schedule a make up session. You must mark the exchange on the sign in sheet. Write your skater’s name at the bottom of the sign in sheet for the session they do skate and mark exchange. It is also necessary to mark the skater’s name at the bottom of the sign in sheet for the day that they are skating and mark the date and session that you are exchanging from.

    For more information and the complete policy: Ice Contracts Policy 

  • A parent rink monitor’s duties range from checking in skaters, monitor the behavior of skaters on and off the ice, and being there in case of a medical emergency. It is recommended that parents of new members of the EPFSC go to a few sessions and observe someone else prior to completing their rink monitor duty.

    The number of times per contract that is required to be a parent rink monitor depends on the number of sessions your skater contracted and the length of the contract period. Typically, if your skater skates 1-2 sessions per week, sign up to monitor a minimum of 1 time per contract period.

    Each parent will have the opportunity to sign up for ice session times prior to the beginning of each new ice session (this will be posted on the bulletin board in the EPFSC club room approximately 3 weeks before the start of the new contract). If you do not sign up to monitor you will be assigned a time to monitor during your child’s session (if possible). There is a buyout option of $40 if you chose not to monitor, however, monitoring is a great way to get to know other club skaters. It is your responsibility to complete your rink monitor requirements each ice contract period and for each skater. If you do not complete your monitor requirements, you will be billed the monitor buyout fee. The parent rink monitor policy is sent out with each contract.

    For more information and the complete policy: Rink Monitor Policy

  • All club members are required to participate in the fundraising to help support our club. Fundraising dollars are used to subsidize the cost of Club ice and support a variety of social activities throughout the year, including a party during ice show weekend and a Spring banquet. EPFSC does offer a Fundraising Buyout Option. The purpose of this option is to allow families to choose to forgo actual “selling” if that is not preferred, while still ensuring each skater/member is contributing financially to the expenses covered by fundraising dollars. You will be billed for the buyout amount.

    Although members new to the club each year and Junior Club members are not required to participate in fundraising activities, we do welcome their sales to help support the club. Please see the fundraising policy, which can be found on the EPFSC website under Club Policies, for additional information.

    Our annual Fundraising effort kicks off with the Magazine Sale the first week of August. Packets will be in each skater’s file by early August. Other fundraising events for the year include the gift item sale, which will take place in September, and the Poinsettia sale, which will happen in late Oct/early Nov.

    Each skater is responsible for meeting his or her fundraising requirement. There is not a discount for multiple members in one family.

    EPFSC does offer a Fundraising Buyout Option. The purpose of this option is to allow families to choose to forgo actual “selling” if that is not preferred, while still ensuring each skater/member is contributing financially to the expenses covered by fundraising dollars. The current annual fundraising Buyout fee is $120.

    If a skater does not meet the requirements for 12 fundraising units during the year, the skater will be assessed a pro rata portion of the Buyout fee for the shortfall. For example, if you sold 8 “fundraising units” during the year, you will be billed 4 x $10 ($40) to make up the shortfall. This pro rata charge will appear on bills shortly after the last fundraising effort for the year is completed. Currently this would be on a February statement to be paid before contracting for spring ice.

    For more information and the complete policy: Fundraising Policy

  • The EPFSC membership year is July 1 – June 30. Any first year club member who joins after March 1 of the current membership year will be allowed to renew their Junior Club membership for one additional year at the current Junior Club membership rate.

  • All EPFSC members are allowed and encouraged to use the EPFSC clubroom to put on their skates. Before entering the ice, check in with the rink monitor. When you are skating on club ice remember to be aware of other skaters. Keep moving and skate fast, do not stand in the middle of the ice. When you fall, get up quickly so you are not a danger to yourself or other skaters. Skaters will practice their skating routines with music. Please watch out for them and try to stay out of their way.

    For more information and the complete policy: On and Off Ice Rules Policy

  • A good pair of skates is important to allow you to skate at your best. Make sure you have the appropriate skates and blades for your level. Ask your coach or have an experienced skate store employee assist you when buying new skates.

    Where can I purchase figure skates?

    There are several organizations that sell figure skates and have skilled sales people to assist with size, fit and blade selection. The two most common are listed below. Both organizations also provide blade sharpening.

    Pierce Skate Ski

    208 West 98th Street

    Bloomington, MN


    Skates, accessories, skate sharpening

    (Ask for Freestyle sharpening)

    Westwood Sports

    9601 Garfield Avenue South

    Bloomington, MN


    Skates, accessories, skate sharpening

    (Call for appointment – freestyle sharpening)

  • Figure skate sharpening is much different from sharpening other types of skates such as hockey skates. ONLY people who specialize in sharpening figure skates should be used, as figure skate blades can easily be completely ruined by improper sharpening. One clue to when skates need sharpening is when a skater is having trouble performing moves on the ice, feels that they are sliding excessively on landings, or has blades that feel dull. Frequent falls may be another sign of dull blades. Too-frequent sharpening, however, is not recommended, as it can shorten blade life and negatively affect skater performance.

    After use, skates should be carefully dried off outside and inside as necessary, both boot and blade. Pulling the skate tongue forward and letting the skates dry outside the bag and away from direct heat sources is helpful. Wet skates should not be stored in lockers or closets. Some skate boots can be cleaned using rubbing alcohol. When off the ice, skaters should ALWAYS wear rubber skate guards if walking around the arena. Skaters should NEVER walk ANY distance on cement floors without rubber guards. When removing skates for the day, blades should be wiped dry and then covered with cloth (soaker) blade covers for storage. It is important to protect blades from rust or nicks.

  • Skating dresses/skirts with skating tights or athletic skating pants are required when skating.

    Note: Club jackets/sweatshirts are available for purchase and use at all levels. To order an EPFSC club jacket, complete an order form and submit by the deadline date. Order forms are available from the link below and in the clubroom file cabinet. Jackets are typically ordered two times during the calendar year.

    Club Jackets can be purchased at various times throughout the year. Search our site for more information about club jacket orders

  • There are numerous volunteer opportunities with the Eden Prairie Figure Skating Club. These include the following positions.

    • Board of Directors: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary Membership, Members-at-Large
    • Finance / Contracts / Billing: Skater Billing Coordinator, Ice Coordinator, Rink Monitor Coordinator, Rink Monitor Sheet Reporting Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Auditor
    • Twin Cities Figure Skating Association Representative (2 positions)
    • Testing: Test Chair, Assistance Test Chair
    • Fundraising: Fundraising Committee Chairs for Poinsettia sale, Magazine sale, Chip Shoppe sale, Committee Members
    • Membership: Junior Club Coordinator
    • Communications: Public Relations Coordinator, Rink Rap Newsletter, Trophy Case & Display Case Coordinators, Webmaster, Email Coordinator
    • Off Ice Training Coordinator
    • Social Activities: Social Committee Coordinator, Skater Rep Committee Coordinator, Banquet Committee Members, Exhibition Chair and Exhibition Assistant
    • Club Room: Locker Assignment Coordinator, Club Room Liaisons, Bulletin Board Liaisons
    • Apparel: Club Apparel Coordinator, Dress & Skate Sale Coordinator
    • Lettering Programs: Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, Chanhassen, Chaska, Benilde-St. Margaret High Schools
    • Ice Show: Co-Liaisons, Ice Show Committee Chairs, Committee Members
  • The Annual Ice Show is a highlight of our skating season. All skaters who skate the regular skating season qualify for the show, but are not required to participate. All skaters must register to participate in the Annual Ice Show. The final dates to be eligible for show participation will be publicized each year. The Annual Ice Show is typically the last weekend of March but can change based on the hockey tournament schedule, School Spring Break, etc.

  • US Figure Skating testing is done at an official test session sanctioned by US Figure Skating and conducted by member clubs. Tests are held for Freeskate, Moves in the Field, Pairs, Dance and Synchronized skating as a measurement of progress. The skater’s coach must approve all tests. There is an application to be filled out, along with signatures of coach and test chair. The host club will include a fee schedule with cancellation policy. If the test session is not at the home club, the skater needs a “permission to test” form signed by the club test chair. EPFSC test session are posted on the EPFSC bulletin board and website.

    Click here for more information on testing options through the club: Testing

    EPFSC conducts test sessions throughout the year, offering Moves in the Field and Freestyle evaluations. Testing is done on an ongoing basis during class, throughout the season. As your skater’s coach deems appropriate, your child will be evaluated for the next badge level. The Club keeps a record of your child’s badge level. Information on levels accomplished will be given to your skater at the end of the season. Test applications and payments are due no later than 10 days before the test session. Test fees are on a graduated scale based on the level of the test with pre-preliminary tests costing $25 and increasing to $60 for a senior-level test. Non-EPFSC home club members pay an extra $10 fee. Home club skaters have priority on the test sessions.

    Please contact the EPFSC test chairperson for more information. Please check the Twin City Figure Skating Association event calendar for test sessions at other clubs.